Source, pay for, and ship your goods on WorldTradeX

What is WorldTradeX

WorldTradeX is one of the world’s largest wholesale marketplaces, with 20 years of experience helping business-to-business (B2B) companies buy and sell their goods around the world.

Step 1
Find products and sellers
Step 2
Connect with sellers
Step 3
Place and protect order
Step 4
Pay on WorldTradeX
Step 5
Ship and receive your goods

Order with confidence

Ensure product quality and on-time delivery with Trade Assurance, the order protection service.

Hear from our buyers

How WorldTradeX Enhanced Supplier Relations and Product Discovery

22 April 2023Read time: 12min

Investing in WorldTradeX Helped NWCA Find Trusted Suppliers

22 April 2023Read time: 12min

WorldTradeX Offers a Growing Start-Up the Resources to Flourish

22 April 2023Read time: 12min

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