Trade Assurance

Shipping & logistics services

Reduce inventory uncertainty with On-time Delivery Guarantee and track your shipment with WOrldTradeX Logistics

On-time Delivery Guarantee

Claim and automatically receive compensation for delays in deliveries, without having to negotiate with the supplier.

Inventory management

Better plan out and manage inventory knowing orders will be delivered on time.

Compensation for delays

If late delivery occurs, receive a coupon which can be used for future purchases.

Simplified process

WorldTradeX reviews your claim directly, saving you time spent negotiating with suppliers*.

How it works


Find products that support On-time Delivery Guarantee


Pay on WorldTradeX

Pay using your preferred payment method through the platform.

Make a claim if delays occur

If products are not delivered by the agreed date, go to My orders > Order details to make a claim. For Scaleup, Enterprise, and Enterprise Pro buyers, compensation is automatically issued to their accounts.

Get compensation

Collect platform coupons that can be used on future purchases.

World Trade X Logistics

Choose from door-to-door and port-to-port services according to your needs and budget.

Tailored solutions

Enjoy hassle-free returns at no cost within 30 days from the delivery date.

Worldwide coverage

Enjoy tracked delivery to most countries and regions around the world.

Transparent rates

Get competitive pricing and check rates in real-time.

Terms & Conditions


Trade Assurance


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